Kaffeeröster und die nachbarschaft....

Diskutiere Kaffeeröster und die nachbarschaft.... im Webseiten mit Informationen zum Thema Forum im Bereich Informationsquellen (Bücher, Web, Events, etc.); [color=#000000:post_uid10]...eine Story, die man gelesen haben muss, und zwar hier.[/color:post_uid10]

  1. Stefan

    Stefan Mitglied

    Dabei seit:
    [color=#000000:post_uid10]...eine Story, die man gelesen haben muss, und zwar hier.[/color:post_uid10]
  2. #2 67-1017432760, 13.12.2002

    67-1017432760 Gast

    Angefangen hat´s wohl mit dem Artikel in der
    NY Times.

    Das schlimme daran ist, dass das locker auch in Deutschland geschehen kann.
    Erstens reichet eine Beschwerde aus, damit das Umweltamt, tätig wird.
    Zweitens sind Röster über 500kg Tagesleistung ohnehin genehmigungspflichtig.
    Drittens darf es in einer Wohngegend (das ist ausserhalb eines Industrie-/Gewerbegebiets), maximal in 5% der jährlichen Stunden nach Industrie riechen.

    Was Schoenholt hilft sind teure Abluftreinigungsanlagen. Vielleicht kann ihm jemand mal ein Angebot schicken. Das Problem es riecht nach Plastik ist mir aber schleierhaft.

    Gruß Claudia
  3. #3 67-1017432760, 19.12.2002

    67-1017432760 Gast

    Nur um die Geschichte weiterzuverfolgen, folgender Beitrag aus alt.coffee:

    19 Dec 2002 15:36:01 GMT
    Von: I840COFFEE

    Dear alties,

    Gillies Coffee Company had a hearing before NYC Environmental Control Board (ECB) on Tuesday 12/17/02. There are still papers to submit. We do not expect a verdict for 60-90 days. If we lose we go on to appeal.

    During the hearing it was learned that the City inspector on the job 18-months, with no formal training in the detection or measuring of odors smelled coffee in the complainants apartment. As he walking to Gillies from the complainants apartment the smell of coffee was getting stronger all the way. At Gillies open overhead garage door the smell was very distinct.

    The problem with this story is the wind was blowing from his back according to the National Weather Service so both the neighbor and the inspector would have had to smell the coffee fragrance while the wind was blowing away from them at 18-30 knots which is categorized as "Gale force" wind. I think this is impossible, but I am not the judge. There was other weather evidence.

    There was evidence given of other potential sources of the odor.

    Technical issues were raised including but not limited to the definitions in the city code and whether coffee fragrance fits the city's definition of an odor. The city says it does. We say it does not. There were other technical issues having to do with regulated and unregulated sources and some other
    technical stuff related to how the regs are drawn.

    The inspector testified that Gillies was not roasting. DNS testified that there was no processing of any kind going on in the warehouse at the time of the inspector's visit, and that Gillies always smells as coffee.

    Testimony was given as to the zoning code which gives preferential treatment to industrial and commercial uses over that of residential uses.

    The Borough President of Brooklyn, Marty Markowitz sent the Chief Engineer of Kings County to enter an affidavit on our behalf. The Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corporation, which continues to work with the city placing industrial businesses in our Sunset Park neighborhood also entered an affidavit on our behalf.

    Off the record the DEP says, "Its nothing personal."

    They obviously have never met me before.

    Speaking of personal, my personal opinion is The New York City DEP stinks, Gillies Coffee Company does not.

    The Mayor has still not acknowledged receipt of my pleading letter to him which his office received more than a month ago. Please help me keep Gillies in his line of sight by continuing to write to him on our behalf.

    Thank you.


Kaffeeröster und die nachbarschaft....

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