[Vorstellung] (( ito )) Pressure-Profiling and Flow-Tracking (May 2024, ENGLISH)

Diskutiere (( ito )) Pressure-Profiling and Flow-Tracking (May 2024, ENGLISH) im Gewerbliche Vorstellungen Forum im Bereich Schwarzes Brett; ito is a microcontroller module with SSR relays, WLAN and on-board power supply (about ito; video). It can be turned into a pressure & temperature...

  1. #1 faustino, 01.05.2024

    faustino Mitglied

    Dabei seit:
    ito is a microcontroller module with SSR relays, WLAN and on-board power supply (about ito; video). It can be turned into a pressure & temperature controller by flashing the free leva! firmware. leva! brings perfect temperature (PID), pressure profiling with pressure sensor, flow tracking, preinfusion, dosing by weight, shortened warm-up, shot timer, tank monitoring, scale monitoring, energy-saving functions and more.


    Seriously small

    Display (optional) in top lid of a machine - laser-cut

    Alternative display (1.54" instead of 0.96")

    If a controller is already installed, its housing can often be recycled for ito's display: PCB out, ito display in:

    Tested with: Lelit, Brewtus


    Although leva! is best used with a display, none is required. The menus can be accessed over WLAN:

    Virtual Display (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android)

    A machine with leva! can look as it did before adding ito. Only an optional rotary encoder might indicate the presence of leva! (to adjust the temperature without computer; could be discreetly installed on the rear). Optionally, for better signalling, a white LED can be inserted into the original heating lamp.

    BLE | Dosing

    The optional BLE module can connect ito wirelessly to a Bluetooth scale for gravimetric dosing or to measure the espresso flow rate in [g/s]:


    Skale 2, Felicita Arc and Eureka Precisa (Bluetooth version)


    Since leva! was developed for espresso machines, temperature control is better than with normal PID controllers: There is a feed-forward component that reacts to the flow meter, the brew temperature curve during the shot can be programmed and the PID can be configured differently for special situations: warm-up, shot, ... Autotuning finds PID settings automatically. leva! can control two heating elements, e.g. a boiler + grouphead. leva! offers pressure profiling via programs or paddle (example with video).

    Pressure profiles


    The flow meter can be used for Flow Tracking:

    Pressure profiling at the start, flow tracking at the end


    Internal values are transmitted live to a computer or tablet, making configuration a pleasure:

    The status monitor shows what happens - under Windows, Linux, MacOS X & Android (Video Windows, Video Android)

    Thanks to the apps, leva! can also be operated via tablet, in addition to or instead of a display:


    leva! is comprehensively documented on 307 pages (English), ito on 73 pages (English).

    Manuals are contained in the leva! download


    leva! supports fast TSic temperature sensors, which have 0.1°C resolution and are factory-calibrated. Maximum absolute error at 90°C <= 0.3°C - better than Pt100 DIN B. The measuring range extends to 150°C. Thermal adhesive is included for installing the sensor at the optimal position.




    ito is installed with self-adhesive PCB feet. Depending on whether it will only be used as PID controller, for pressure profiling, or both, the wiring is as simple as for any PID or significantly more demanding. The installation may only be carried out by qualified persons who can handle mains voltage and understand the English documentation.

    Installation with adhesive feet + insulation shield

    In the "engine room" of a Rabcilio Silvia

    The optional display can be installed behind a laser-cut, behind a milled alu bezel (Schaeffer AG) or behind a 3D-printed nylon bezel.


    leva! can be used with machines in which a 'normal' PID can be installed. Temperature must not exceed 60°C at the place of installation (70°C at display). ito occupies 71x62mmx25mm incl. feet. Leads are 40cm long. The external relay's dimensions are 56x41x26mm. It is installed with a heat-conducting adhesive pad. The flowmeter has D=41mm. leva!'s pump functions are designed for vibration pumps. Other types are not compatible. Programs that start the pump (e.g. dosing) do not work with manually operated grouphead valves (e.g. E61). Further requirements can be found in the ito introduction and leva!'s manual. A DVD drive is required. ito may not be compatible with every Wifi device.


    Components can be combined according to the desired application:


    Example 1:
    ito for simple pressure profiling (preinfusion)*, invisible, without PID function

    Example 2:
    ito for simple pressure profiling (preinfusion)* and PID function, without display but with rotary encoder to adjust temperature

    Example 3:
    ito as visible PID with display, incl. simple pressure profiling (preinfusion)*

    Example 4:
    ito for full pressure profiling (with pressure sensor and display) but without PID function

    Example 5:
    ito for full pressure profiling (with pressure sensor) and PID function - with display

    Silvia users require the orange LED lamp and could choose the "H" or the "HXL" display or add a TouchCell bracket (tank sensor holder). Gaggia Classic users should choose the "V" display. The BLE module is needed to connect to scales.

    *: Installations without pressure sensor are sufficient for simple pressure profiling of the type "somehow falling pressure", not for exact pressure profiles


    ito is available at Software & Circuits during the next days. You will receive an offer in 1-2 business days. Order acceptance ends when the production capacity is sold out, at the latest in 7 days. After that, ordering will not be possible until the next production.

    After the ordering phase, components will be procured worldwide. The duration of this phase can not be planned exactly, as delays with customs etc. vary, but usually 6 weeks pass. The expected shipping date is about 14 days later. That means it takes about 8 weeks between payment and shipping. All details are subject to timely delivery by suppliers and insofar non-binding.


    Software & Circuits offers electronic components. ito is a programmable microcontroller and not a PID. You can turn it into a PID by installing it in an espresso machine and flashing PID firmware. For these steps, I will neither accept legal resonsibility nor offer warranty. Modifiying your espresso machines happens at your own risk and legal responsibility.
  2. #2 faustino, 05.05.2024

    faustino Mitglied

    Dabei seit:
    Order acceptance ends today.

(( ito )) Pressure-Profiling and Flow-Tracking (May 2024, ENGLISH)

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(( ito )) Pressure-Profiling and Flow-Tracking (May 2024, ENGLISH) - Ähnliche Themen

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